Grozs ir tukšs

Crystalliine-Rollo - reflecta crystalline rollo 200x200 cm 11
Crystalliine-Rollo - reflecta crystalline rollo 200x200 cm 11

Preces kods: 87662

Ir noliktavā

Ekrāns Reflecta Crystal-Line Rollo 200×200 cm

200 x 200

4 noliktavā

€110.00 (Cena ar PVN)

(Atzīmējiet 2-4 preces no kategorijas)
Noliktava Ir Rīgas noliktavā.
Ražotājs Reflecta

Tehniskie parametri

Ekrāna izmērs 200 x 200
Malu attiecība 1:1
Ekrāna audums BetaLux
Ruļļa Kārbas izmērs 215 x 6.8 x 6.8


The reflecta CrystalLine self-locking roller projection screens are extremely good value for money. The well-engineered selflocking
roller mechanism allows for an easy and silent extending and retracting of the projection screen. The high-grade screen fabric delivers brilliant images with any type of

Product details:
• Mounted to wall or ceiling
• Simple installation and easy handling
• Large viewing angle
• Suitable for all common front projection types
• High-quality screen BetaLux with 1.0 gain
• Light-proof rear with black coating
• Black border

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