Preces kods: washandcure2.0
SazinātiesAnycubic Wash & Cure 2.0
The Wash & Cure from Anycubic simplifies the handling for people who likes to print with resin. With only a few pushes of a button, this machine cannot only wash your prints, but also cure them. All this in the same machine.
- 360° rotating curing platform
- Built in 365nm and 45nm UV light set
- Auto pause function as soon as the cover is removed
- Easy operation with touch buttons
- Adjustable bracket for easy cleaning
- Sealed washing container
The Wash & Cure from Anycubic simplifies the handling for people who likes to print with resin. With only a few pushes of a button, this machine cannot only wash your prints, but also cure them. All this in the same machine.
No longer you have to worry about leaving your prints in a bath of IPA to long or keep track of curing times with the risk of something going wrong.
A huge benefit with Wash & Cure from Anycubic is the fact that it can work with two wavelengths. Both 405nm and 365nm are available, and this covers 99,5% of all resins on the market today. The 360° rotating curing platform makes sure that the curing will be even over the whole print.
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